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1 n. Alcoholic beverage native to Quebec, most often served at Carnival.

"Caribou, a feisty alcoholic beverage, was popularised ever since the first (Quebec City) carnival. The recipe is attributed to Ti-Père, a commerce that was first established on Ste-Thérèse Street in the lower city, then, more recently, in Old Quebec. Suffice to say a typical drink of caribou contains brandy, vodka, sherry and port... Wow!"

--Fron the offical Quebec Carnival web site.

I drank some Caribou at Carnival and got so blitzed I threw off all my clothes and rolled around in the snow with a hundred other shitfaced frenchmen! Then they poured maple syrupp all over me. What a time!

by G.H. Hadden May 5, 2005

42πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


AKA the notorious pickup-artist, PhD Mathematician and part-time musician Daniel Snaith, who writes 99% of his songs about a small fraction of his sexual conquests

Caribou aka Daniel Snaith - "Fuck bitches, get money."

by Labu September 18, 2010

32πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A Caribou is a label like Weabou, but towards people that wish they were Canadians, or non-canadians that take interest in Canadian culture.

Dan loves Canada, he wishes he were Canadian... He's such a Caribou

by Skarf December 7, 2021


The sexual act of inserting two large dildos into the ears of a female. All while in the doggy-style position, and making a "weesnaw" noise.

Dude, that girl over there let me caribou her last night!

I cariboued her last night.

by Caribou92 June 19, 2013

10πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


When a man does the girl doggie-style while holding her hair back while she throws up, like a man having sex with a caribou.

After she had one too many to drink, he gave her the Caribou in the bathroom.

by Stefan Rivet May 8, 2007

11πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Look at Potski !

Also the animal Caribou (from canada, a bigh horses with corns on da head !)

Waouw ! So caribou !
Hey watch ! Caribou spammed a other time :D

by Jo September 2, 2003

8πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


Caribou Coffee. Midwest-US coffee house, similar to Starbucks

Yo, you wanna hang out at Caribou after class?

by Anonymous Coward May 3, 2003

49πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž