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a white trash dude who conveniently forgets his wallet so that his girlfriend has to pay for his dinner or drinks.

Carl: Oh, sorry Babe, I forgot my wallet at home. can you spot me a 20?
Babe: Again??
Random dude in the group of friends: Who brought the Carlroach?
Everyone except Carl: laughter with a tone of disgust and loud boos.

by SuperWordNerd January 4, 2024


A father who fights for custody of his child for the sole purpose of receiving child support to support himself behind the facade of supporting the child. This term presumably originated from a family court case where the father won P&RR, and then he went after the mother for an exorbitant amount of child support while hiding his own income. The term is fitting because cockroaches are cowardly, sneaky, fulfill no responsibilities of their own, and they eat our children's food.

Omg, I can't believe my baby daddy just filled for custody. He's such a carlroach - I mean, he would't even answer his phone when I called him from the hospital!

by Effin Fantastic December 28, 2023


A human cockroach named Carl. One who shits in elevators. One who eats your lunch, steals your children's snacks, and nibbles on your eyelashes and fingernails while you are sleeping. Also, steals your money, collects child support to spend on himself and scuttles around on the floor like a coward.

"look at that pile of shit - Carl must have been here."
"Dude, that's a bunch of really tiny shits everywhere. It was a carlroach."
"Disgusting !"

by Alleged-Leigh January 8, 2024


1. A cockroach named Carl.
2. An insult to a cockroach

Cockroach: "Hi, I'm Carl."
"You're a Carlroach!"
Cockroach: "No, please! I'm just a regular cockroach!"
Stomp! Smush!

by TotallyBestandyouknowit December 29, 2023