The Carolina Parakeet (Conuropsis carolinensis) is the only Native parrot in the Eastern part of the United States of America and the Southern parts of Ontario and Quebec provinces in Canada and in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
Carolina Parakeet lived in the Great Plains and along the front range of the Rocky Mountains near Denver and North to the Great Lakes and New England and Southern Canada and South from there to the Piney Woods area of East Texas and South and East from there to Virginia Beach and Florida.
Carolina Parakeets are believed to be extinct by many, the last notable sightings of these parrots were recorded in the 1930s. They are sacred to some Native American tribes and to Ethnic Qarsherskiyan people and hold an important place in the Aliyite religion, with many Aliyite Muslims believing Carolina Parakeets copied Imam Ali's sermons, as parrots tend to copy voices, while Imam Ali was in North America - preceding to fly for many miles all over their range, speaking religious matters, causing Native Americans to hear and convert to Aliyite Islam - and so they're considered to be the sacred messengers of Imam Ali.
Carolina Parakeets, along with Spanish Moss, Dwarf Palmetto Palms, Bald Cypress trees, Southern Live Oak, and other symbols of historic Newport News, Virginia are sacred symbols for many in the local Ethnic Qarsherskiyan community.