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Catalano Complex

A Catalano Complex refers to the high likelihood that consensual sexual actions have taken place or will take place at least once between too siblings, provided that:

Both siblings are considered highly attractive by the majority of their peers, and:

The age difference between the siblings is relatively small.

The strength of the Catalano Complex between two siblings has a positive correlation with the siblings' average attractiveness and has a negative correlation with their difference in age. This is due to the following reasons:

There would likely be less sexual attraction between the siblings if one or both were generally considered

unattractive, and:

The larger the age difference, the less likely it is for both siblings to develop sexual attraction for each other at the

same time. Also, the larger the age difference, the less likely it is for both siblings to feel comfortable with the

sexual relations in question.

Person 1, looking at a hot girl talking to her equally hot twin brother: "Damn, they definitely have a Catalano Complex."

Person 2, in response: "Hell yeah, the incestual probability between them is high as fuck."

by ElongatedTaint October 25, 2018