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Catalyst nor Catharsis

Neither. Like, you're not getting universal healthcare. You don't actually care about human life in a way that's meaningful. Case and point, the child murder that COULD HAVE OCCURRED IMMEDIATELY in response to you stealing my theory of AI has been postponed and still you agitate and thumb your nose up at me in the hopes that I'll murder someone's kid so you can steal away with whatever you've been paid (likely by a cripple) to remain silent.

Hym "So it'll be neither catalyst nor catharsis. You are fundamentally incapable of learning any meaningful lessons from the healthcare CEO's death. Like... Both sides of the political spectrum are using it as evidence of the legitimacy of their politics, there will be a new CEO by the end of the week, and I'm the only one reading this who is being denied healthcare. The CEO is dead. The shooters life is over. They collided and exploded into a pile of coins and YOU (like the repugnant YouTube scavengers you are) have crawled out of your filth-hole to fill your pockets while you proselytize for your dogma. 'We HaVe To OrGaNiZe!' Are you just thinking of that NOW? After YEARS of political commentary... NOW is the time for you to organize? You didn't need to organize until round 2 of Trump and now it's super important because you am a resistance? I don't get it. Like, this whole time you've been disorganized? But now... You're gonna organize? You gonna 'grasp the levers of power?' What levers? What power? Are you going to break the shackles that bind you? Are you going to learn to love again? Meaningless faux-inspirational gibberish."

by Hym Iam December 10, 2024