Source Code

Catch case

When a person older then consenting age could get a case (by police) for trying to secure someone younger

Man 1: “Rahhh, Latisha’s looking fire over there!”

Man 2: “yeh I know man, ain’t she like 15 though?”

Man 1: “oh shit yeh, I ain’t gonna catch case

by Badddbihhhh July 7, 2018

7👍 1👎

catch case

When a women gets herself a younger man.

All these old men are boring, let’s catch case with that boy over there.

by ;)xoxo November 15, 2017

1👍 4👎

Catch a case

A term used as a joke for when an older guy is hitting on a young girl.

"She's too young for you bro"

"Damn I'm boutta catch a case then"

by TrapL0rd69 January 12, 2018

794👍 135👎

to catch a case

short for "to catch a court case" ie: you're so pissed your ready to beat someone up and get arrested for assault and battery and go to court; basically, you're really angry. Reference to the R. Kelly song.

one friend says to another: "ummm girl, i just slept with your boyfriend",
other friend: "Ohhhh heina, i'm about to catch a case"

by GabbyCourtMichelle November 2, 2007

100👍 14👎

catch a case

charge with a crime by the police

if he don't quit he's going to catch a case

by George Courtney February 26, 2004

760👍 154👎

catching a case

When you are interested in someone who is much younger than you; very much illegal

boy 1 (senior in highschool) : damn you're cute, can i get your snap?
girl 1: sure!
boy 1: so you like a junior....like 16?
girl 1: No! haha I'm 14, a freshman
boy 1: that's catching a case, sorry lemme know when you're 16

by lolswagmaster2014 April 30, 2018

66👍 18👎

Catch a case

A joke used for when a older guy/girl hits on someone younger than him/her

“Yo you better stop hitting on that 12 year old you 15 dude you about to catch a case
“Nahh it’s aii it’s just 2 years older”

by Lmfao.m March 5, 2019

107👍 65👎