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catchers mit

A worn out pussy.

I didn't want to stick my dick in that catchers mit!

by Jhova December 5, 2002

47👍 13👎

catchers mit

Nephew to the upper decker the catchers mit may be attained by layering toilet paper extending from one side of the bowl across the water and onto the other side of the bowl forming a soft sturdy pad. Proceed with your normal defecation but cease to flush. You now have a permeating pile for all to enjoy. Most commonly found in road side rest areas.

"OMG! WTF! This is the stalest catchers mit ive ever dealt with!" Dale the janitor.

by Rooster Nugget February 3, 2006

28👍 7👎

catcher's mit

a girl so ugly her face looks like it has been hit with numerous baseballs, but thinks she is hot

that ugly bitch, she walks around like a catcher's mit

by thekirkhammer March 25, 2013

6👍 1👎

Catcher's Mit

n. Of or pertaining to a female's unattractive face. A face that closely resembles the catcher's glove or outfielders glove in the game of baseball.
Chiefly British definition - A female's face that has similarities to a wicket keeper's glove in the sport of cricket.

"Holy cow Jed, she looks like she's been catching fly balls in outfield all afternoon without a glove!"

"The batter tries to turn the all-star bowler into the leg-side, and with the sharp turn that the master leg-spinner is able to impart, he gets only a leading edge and offers a catch by Karen, with her face, at slip.

by ZimmFilmz August 28, 2005

14👍 7👎

lefty's catcher mit

internet slang for something that appears to be there but turns out it isn't.

j.j. abrams monster in cloverfield seems to be a lefty's catcher mit.

by lameboymatt January 18, 2008

Catchers mit face

Noun: used to describe the excessively sun-exposed face of a female. It is brown and wrinkly resembling a catcher's mit.

Check out the catcher's mit face on that soccer mom!

by K-dawg November 9, 2004

13👍 6👎

Beat up Catchers Mit

slang for a fat whore's very used taco

Man, her catcher's mit could easity catch a bowling ball.

by Master of Girth April 4, 2003

5👍 6👎