A biased group with no intention of stopping "degenerates" on discord rather than trying to raid other nuke groups like them for "power" they aren't strong or the best nuke group ever rather most of their members are teens/10 year olds who most likely wont end up getting a proper life and would be drowning away on the street.
Did you know chaos gang is a shitty ass cracker excuse for not buying hearts of iron 4?
25👍 8👎
Whim is literally the coolest guy in chaos gang
Chaos gang is okay but man whim is pretty fucking chunguspilled
13👍 5👎
An Discord hacking and raiding group that consists of teens and tweens who hate faggots, furries, and those who are associated with degenerate propaganda. They have dedicated most of their time to ensuring that the internet is free of these people, and they are doing an exceptionally well job at it.
The best raid group on Discord is Chaos Gang
14👍 28👎
Chaos Gang is a raider Group on discord and they cause CHAOS they use Bots like XxRaid_ProtectxX or AussieXDodoSlayer which is also known As SansHangoutSlayer .Sans Hangout was a Big Server leaded By Sans_the_Skeleton_UT_46 Chaos Chaos the leader of CG Nuked the whole Server they even had to delete the Server meanwhile there exists Sans hangout 1-4 or even more but Chaos Gang and others are Attacking them again and again another target was Sans next Gerneration also nuked till deletion
Chaos Gang causes Chaos
3👍 14👎
Gang that will shoot at opps at any given time.
Chaos Gang^ will murder da opps..
3👍 3👎