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Character Bashing

Character bashing is the act of shaming, flaming and saying defamatory things about a fictional character. This is done to vent one's hatred for a character by relentlessly criticizing the character -whether it be just or unjust- or taking the characters negative traits and blowing it out of proportions which would leave behind only a hollow one dimensional husk.

Character bashings are most common with in Fanfictions and online forums. Any character may be on the receiving end of bashing, even the main character.

There are multiple reasons why this phenomenon exists such as Ship wars, Spotlight hogging Main character, etc.

Person 1: Ugh I hate Sakura so muuuch! Why does she have to such a useless character?
Person 2: Yet she done more than other characters. You're unjust Character bashing is pointless. Use your time better than something so meaningless.

by Beware The Hashi April 2, 2020