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Chasing Chad

Chasing Chad* (or Chad chasing*) is when women pursue handsome, wealthy, emotionally unavailable men in a attempt to improve social standing (hypergamy) while simultaneously friend-zoning emotionally available candidates that register lower on the affluence / looks scales.

Chads use the chaser for sex, dump her, and then move on to other women. The chaser never learns and repeats the cycle, called "riding the merry-go-round"*. The Chad Chaser eventually finds herself past the flower of her youth, single, and whining on TikTok videos about how "there aren't any good men".

*terms coined by men's advice YouTuber "33 Secrets".

She is so busy Chasing Chad, she is going to find herself single and childless. She would do well to hop off the merry-go-round and settle down.

by Run.Forrest.Run January 26, 2022

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