Source Code

Chattin Shit

Speaking absolute bollocks

AH mate you is chattin shit!

by crashandburn_ds February 13, 2011

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

chattin shit

Someone or something:
*bending the truth.
*taking the piss.
*spreading rumours about close friends.

Chattin shit is usually a hereditory desease that is often brought on by the chatters own descretion. If this is a common thing, then it is known as a chattin disorder. A chattin signal with the hand can also be delivered at the same time. "Self chat" occurs when a person chats shit about themselves, usually purposely.

Examples of chattin shit include:
Heppell reckoning timberlands are all sold out in leeds.
Shagging Fat birds.
Sexual deviances on the dance floor.
Urban Dictionary taking 14 weeks to check a submission.
Heppell: "lets go in this bar, its open till 2".
Basically Yeppell in general.
Rich moving to birmingham for the same job.
Steve chat.
Northy: "I just had sex outside amnesia!"
Northy: "I pulled 15 girls tonight"
Swampy: "They're not your friends, they're OUR friends"
Rich: "Here have our chips, you're crazy guys!"
Rich: "I'm gona buy clothes in ibiza, theyre cheaper"

by Beester January 18, 2006

19πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Chattin Bare shit

When they can’t belive what other people have told them, nah they are chatting bare shit, it never happened, they are all lieing.

Stop chattin bare shit, why would anyone do that.

by Urbantheturban July 8, 2019

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