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Cheese Please

The best way to ask for casual sex

(you walk up to your snack of choice at the club)
"Cheese please!"

by Venus Cherry and Velvet Rose April 5, 2005

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Cheese Please Boogey

(v) - of or relating to the strangest imaginable sexual act or position.

Guy One: Did you ever hook up with that girl the other night dude?

Guy Two: Hell yea, then she gave me sass so I gave her the old cheese please boogey!

by Master Exploder 69 February 26, 2009

Cheese please

Iโ€™m eating cheese right now. Donโ€™t know why

Colby Jack cheese please

by Death Menace November 20, 2022

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Cheese n please

The act of giving a hand job while your fingers are covered in dorito dust.

"Why is johns cock so orange?" "Oh, he must have just recived a cheese n please."

by sgtbacon November 20, 2014

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Two Cheese โ€œThank You Pleaseโ€

When you eat a full bag of Doritos and finger a girlโ€™s butthole.

โ€œDude, I just tried the Two Cheese โ€œThank You Pleaseโ€!

by Zach3850 October 17, 2019

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