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Chicken bomb

A technique used by pissed-off chickens to get back at farmers for feeding them the bread equivilent of soot and mucus and then killing them. It involves bending over just when a farmer is leaning close, and then firing out an egg like a bazooka at around 65-70 mph into his face. Those who get egg shell in his eye get a standing ovation and double their daily ration of corn.

"Ah shit. I just got chicken bombed. Oh god I think I'm blind!"

by Brentmeister May 22, 2005

12👍 25👎

chicken bombing

The act of throwing a live chicken into a person's face, preferably while in motion. Similar: dead chicken bombing; as above, using a deceased chicken.

Matt and I went chicken bombing from the golf cart this afternoon.

by c-bo May 2, 2014

1👍 1👎

milk chicken bomb

a truely vile surprise. heres how it works. first, take a glass jar (must be glass). make sure its got big enough of an opening to accept a leg or breast of chicken. next, get uncooked chicken parts and milk. it helps if the milk has alredy gone bad. combine milk and chicken in the glass jar until you cant fit anymore and its about to overflow. next, tightly secure the top onto the glass jar. now, discretely place the bomb in the heating ducts of a home or apartment. this is most effective after getting evicted or you catch your gurlfriend cheating on you. the next step is to simply wait. it may take time, so be patient. what happens is after repeated exposure to heat and pressure, the glass will eventually break or the top will pop off. if you can only find a rather thick jar you may want to poke a small hole into the top to ensure the smell gets released. after this happens, the most vile stench is released throughout the home, creating a constant unbareable smell that only gets worse every time the heat goes on. milk chicken bombs, when made and dispensed properly, have been known to make a home unliveable.

"that bitch wont know what hit her after my milk chicken bomb goes off motherfucker!"

by Ian June 15, 2006

1006👍 131👎

Chicken Time Bomb

Consist of placing a piece of raw chicken and buttermilk in a mason jar or an empty baby food jar. Make sure to close it up tight. Used as revenge and placed in the targets home, car or office. After a few days the concoction will ferment, break the jar and emit the most foul smell one can imagine. Best if used after one breaks up with a significant other or gets fired from a job.
Uncooked Shrimp can be substituted for chicken in which it becomes a Shrimp Time Bomb or both can be combined for maximum stench.

C-Dawg: He Lil' Dude, why haven't you been at work?

Lil' Dude: Man they fired me, said I was on UrbanDictionary.com too much.

C-Dawg: That sucks!

Lil' Dude: Don't worry, I'll get my revenge, I left a Chicken Time Bomb in the breakroom.

by ABiggs November 9, 2006

48👍 8👎

chicken powered nuclear bomb

a nuclear bomb powered by chickens

hey want a chicken powered nuclear bomb?
what if i don't
then i'll chicken you

by Thanos Chicken June 2, 2020

8👍 2👎