Widely used as an alternative to MSG, but most of chicken stocks contain MSG.
What's the point of using chicken stock if you really dislike MSG? Both of them are actually same!
(курам на смех in Russian): what you say or do that is so idiotic/ridiculous/foolish that even chickens at the local farm will make laughing stock out of you.
Did you do or say anything chicken stock today?
(куром насмех in Russian): chicken mockery in English. When you say or do something (never f-sag) so dumb/silly/ /stupid that chickens at the local farm will make laughing stock out of you.
Even people with mental acuity issues won't do stuff chicken stock. Why are you doing the same chicken stock like drinking and driving?
(written куром на смех in Russian): when one does or says something so silly/stupid/ridiculous/idiotic- but never retargerous- that even a chicken at the local farm will make a laughing stock out of you.
Have you done anything chicken stock lately?
(куром насмех in Russian): when you do something so silly/stupid- but never retargerous- that even a chicken at the local farm will make laughing stock put of you
Never do anything chicken stock.