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Child-Murdering Fuckwad

Mark Summer: I've just been informed that some people find the term "anti-vaxxer" to be offensive. From now on I will use the more technically accurate term of "Child-Murdering Fuckwad"

Bob: Oh look it's an "anti-vaxxer" mourning her dead children, and oh look the fathers signing the divorce sheats and the ghosts of the children are clapping on the father for trying to get over his retarded wife

Jim: Woah don't you know "anti-vaxxer" is offensive

Bob: Wot

Jim: The more accurate term is "Child-Murdering Fuckwad"

Retarded Anti Vaxxer Mom: A wot

Bob: I think she is having a stroke

Jim: I mean I don't care, at all

by Banana of hell January 13, 2019

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