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Chocolate Biscuit

Also known as Milk's Favorite Cookie the only REAL chocolate biscuit The OREO consists of a sweet, white filling commonly referred to as 'cream' or 'creme', sandwiched between two circular chocolate biscuits.

1: How do you eat your chocolate biscuit?

2: The only way! Twist it, lick it, dunk it!

by ninnananna June 10, 2010

19👍 16👎

Chocolate Biscuit

Like the game 'Soggy Biscuit' But with faeces instead of Semen.

Jimmy: Oh no pops, I pooped last

Jimmy's pops: Well, I hope you're hungry for a chocolate biscuit Jimmy!

by Efronfan July 31, 2009

15👍 20👎

chocolate biscuit

When a woman shits on a mans chest and rubs it in. When the shit is dry the couple eat the flake while haveing sex.

I enjoyed a nice chocolate biscuit with my girlfriend last night.

by Gabriella Smy February 1, 2009

14👍 45👎

Chocolate Biscuit Baker

A person who vigorously avoids going to the bathroom when they're severely constipated. This person may go on for weeks without relieving themselves. Consequently, they pass gas through the duration of the day; mostly detected in tight office spaces, sickening co-workers.

Ben: I keep smelling this horrid odor. What is it?

Jeremy: I'm not sure. It's ungodly, though.

Ben: Look at Rutland. He keeps squirming in his seat. He's been doing it for hours.

Jeremy: Oh, that's right! He's a Chocolate Biscuit Baker, you didn't know? He stays constipated.

Ben: That's weird. Why not just go?

Jeremy: He's scared he'll blow his anus out like a blowout on a car tire.

by Mr. Rippenshtein February 6, 2011

12👍 5👎

Would you risk it for a chocolate biscuit?

Take the risk, you might get a nice reward......Fortune favours the brave!

Go on give it a go.........would you risk it for a chocolate biscuit?

by Helllzbelllz January 9, 2011

52👍 22👎