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Chocolate Device

A solution made from various offensive materials. Commonly used materials would be fecal matter of different animals, rotted or molding produce, rancid dairy, garbage of all sorts, warm urine, etc. Materials should concentrate on disturbing the sense of smell although sight, feel and for the bold very few taste. Items used are not specific and many forms of the chocolate device can be made. The only requirement is it must be brown in color at end result. It is preferred to bury the finished solution in an air tight container so it may ferment a minimum of a months time. The chocolate device was created in 1991 by random events. Uses for chocolate device may contain but are not limited to tricking people into smelling it directly, leaving in a persons room or car, making traps so it may cover an individual etc.

Hey did you see when jimmy covered sally with that chocolate device!

yeah man she reeked for weeks!

by MR_FELIX March 24, 2011

Chocolate Device

A bottle, jug, carton, or any other air-tight container consisting of various substances that are offensive to the nostril that you convince other people to smell.

The steps of making a "Chocolate Device",

1) Find an airtight container (preferably a glass bottle)
2) Gather up various substances that rot. I recommend having at least one liquid i.e milk, orange juice, or urine. Also to put foods or a corpse of a deceased creature like a rat, lizard, or bird.
3) Close the container nice and tight
4) Either leave it in the sun, or bury it.
5) After waiting for a good month or two, get it and show it to a unsuspecting family member or friend to take a good wiff of it.

Gilbert is such a dumb-ass, he smelled my Chocolate Device and puked.

by Mario Felix April 10, 2011