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Chunky Cheese

A fat or obese woman that kidnaps random men that she thinks attractive off the streets, brings him home, stuffs him into her closet, and fucks the man senseless until she gets tired of it. Then puts him in the recycle for the recycle to come pick him up.

Dude, I was almost the victim of a Chunky Cheese! Hot dayum...

by taper123 March 5, 2015

14👍 6👎

Chunky Cheese

Chunky Cheese is a fat slab of cheese where kids go to avoid hanging on street corners amongst drug dealers, child molesters, and ice cream trucks.

Fundo went to Chunky Cheese's and was delighted to receive 4 extra gold coins for getting an A in his report card.

by authOOr September 6, 2006

10👍 14👎

chunky cheese

cum into a girls mouth, make her rinse it in her mouth for five minutes then spit back in the mans mouth.

Guy 1: dude my lass did summit sick last night
Guy 2: what she do?
Guy 1: Chunky Cheese
Guy 2: Ouch

by piezo November 7, 2006

7👍 11👎

chunky cheese rat

PP hurt

My PP hurt - Chunky cheese rat

by Chunky cheese rat December 5, 2020

10👍 4👎