when you are so down bad for a fictional character that you develope a crippling God complex
dude, it was a singular picture of dazai, stop being chuuyaz.
Very hot person cool mutual 🤤🤞
“Hi have you seen chuuyaz newest TikTok 🤔”
“ok” *dropkicks*
a mutual of mine in tiktok who i have never talked to before
person a: hey do u know chuuyaz on tiktok?
person b: no lol
person a: neither do i
13👍 1👎
a mutual on tiktok I never talked to..
is drowning in the Pacific Ocean,
has a god complex (100%)
hisoka kinnie but doesn’t know
“Omg is chuuyaz doing gacha toks again?!”
“Yes I suppose so,”