Source Code

cleared out

(Phrase) The feeling when your high has worn off.

Jules: Hey you canโ€™t drive you just smoked.

Heather: No, itโ€™s fine I am all cleared out.

by Monkey Bar November 15, 2020

Clearing out the bats

To masturbate after an extended period of time. Like clearing out the bats from an old abandoned house and refurbishing and renewing it.

Mother: Hey Timmy, what's taking you so long in there? I need to take a shower!

Son (Behind closed bathroom door): One sec, mom! I'm clearing out the bats!

by dudebroman2 October 7, 2008

run a clear out

1. an offensive strategy in NBA basketball, whereby (since zone defenses are illegal) four players spread out several feet from the basket, thus taking their defenders with them, while allowing the ball handler to go one-on-one with the remaining defender, either opening up an opportunity to 'take it to the hole' or kicking the ball out to an open man for a potential three pointer.

2. any strategy used by an individual (or individuals) to remove several persons from a given area for the purposes of a one-on-one maneuver or encounter.

Alpha Dog At Club: Man, I'd like to hookup with that hottie across the room, but she's surrounded by four peeps who I know she's not interested in.
Alpha Dog's Wingman : So, why don't you just walk up, shove those fake players aside and show her who's boss ?
Alpha Dog: Naw, she might think I'm an asshole. I'd rather she think I was a gentleman.
Wingman : Okay, then let me recruit four memes from your entourage and we'll run a clear out . Then you can approach her one-on-one.
Alpha Dog: Now you're thinking !

by Virgin Suicides July 17, 2017

139๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

clearing out the airing cupboard

A poo of so epic a proportion that no matter how many hands of paper towels you pull out to buff up your rusty star the old brown biro never runs out of ink , hide your socks


Shouting from the bog ......
Throw up another bog roll love , Im clearing out the airing cupboard up here

Gone through more bog roll than a covid 19 panic buying individual

by Trentbridge Troll April 16, 2021