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Clumsy noname

The embodiment of Jesus Christ, he can make content so good only rivalled by Ltn and also he follows the great dylmixOnYT so I am definitely not biased

Luke Thenotable: has clumsy noname uploaded the 100 drops?

Tors: yeah

Luke: *runs to computer

by DylmixOnYT November 22, 2020

4👍 1👎

Clumsy noname

Clumsy noname is a youtuber mainly known for 100 drops videos popoularised by Luke thenotable and he is also a god at fortnite

Sheepman:Hey did you see clumsy noname posted

Dylmix:yes it was a pog vid

by Clumsy noname December 6, 2020

1👍 1👎