Cockeysville MD. Cockeysville was the scene of some Civil War activity back in the day. Today it's a great place to live although just like the name the people here are a bit conceited /arrogant. Cockeysville known for two amazing restaurants Pappas Restaurant and Sports Bar huge crabcakes & The Corner Stable known for babyback ribs, crab cakes & delicious burgers.
The people: majority of the people that live in cockeyaville are country music loving family's.
The woman: The woman in Cockeysville are very beautiful and classy
The men : are usually handsome and hard working
HIPSTER EVERYWHERE: you will see a lot of hipsters walking in Hunt Valley !
Like all place cockysville has a couple bad apples ( everyone isn't perfect) however; most are!
Cockeysville Md is a beautiful place.