All those little kids that spend their entire life and money on the Call Of Duty franchise. This individual:
1. Thinks that the only "kick-ass" game is Cod.
2. Is usually a fat potty-mouthed socially depressed kid and has fat parents who don't give a shit about his child's health and therefore let him play videogames all the time to keep him away from their lives while feeding him fast food from Mc. Donalds.
3. Thinks that he can go to the army and eventually kick everyone's ass without any kind of training.
4. Believes of himself as the best because of his kill/death ratio, or his high multiplayer rank.
5. Is doomed to live the rest of his life as a dungeon troll.
COD Fanboy's logic:
Maybe if I insult everyone, people will start thinking that I am a badass. "MOM BRING ME SOME HOT CHOCOLATE IM HUNGRY YOU BITCH!"
Everyone in the lobby:
*watch out we've got a badass over here*
100👍 9👎
any person who is completely and utterly obsessed with a high ranked person on any of the Call of Duty games. He/She always brags about having the high ranked person on their friends list and constantly messages them or invites them to parties.
dude that kid OperatorPerry is such a COD Fanboy of XxRaMbOBeAsTxX. he's always riding his dick freakin. BK!
175👍 47👎