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Coffee house

A place where beta males (soy boys) congregate.

"Did you see that Greg guy?"
"Yeah, he looks like he's a regular at the coffee house."

by SurreptitiousStacy March 10, 2018

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Coffee House

Coffee house is a term used as a type of genre. Usually describing indie, folk-rock, or alternative music. Music that you would commonly hear in a "coffee house."

I'm listening to some Coffee House stuff.

by HelloThereMrSirThere August 1, 2010

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Anything you do to distract is called β€œcoffee-housing,” and it’s against the rules. But there’s a lot of gray area. It’s illegal to talk during a game unless it’s something like asking the score

Frank during a poker game was accused of coffee-housing.

by spanglish3 April 16, 2009

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coffee house

hippys used coffee house and flower shop as the place where you drank coffee and listen to poetry quoted by a little skinny girl in a little cotton dress and nothing else.

i will meet you at the flower shop.

by r cane July 4, 2005

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Coffee House revolutionary

This is similar to an armchair quarterback, all talk and no action.

Tyler was a typical coffee house revolutionary, all radical talk with no chance of action!

by I, Wreckerrr October 19, 2016

The Cup Coffee House

A coffee house located in the town of Wantagh, New York. They feature a wide veriety of great drinks as well as food. The great prices, nice workers and live music set the bar pretty high for their competition.

Example 1: Do you want to go to the cup coffee house tonight? I love that place!

Example 2: Maybe Liam will be at the cup tonight!

by coffeeman9877 February 21, 2014

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jail house coffee

Jail house coffee is when you add about half the normal amount of coffee grounds that have already made a pot. It’s a way a cheap start up tries to save a buck on the company coffee that management meagerly buys.

Starbucks tastes like jail house coffee once you get your own espresso machine.

by Beech Bum. June 9, 2018