Source Code

cold as a cunt

When the weather is so cold, you shout this in the street to let everyone know how cold it is.

"Fuck me, it is as cold as a cunt out here"

by BigGayBernard January 25, 2014

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

cold calling cunt

the annoying cunt/s that has been ringing my gaff on a daily basis for the last two months trying to sell me shit that i don't need.

should really target the elderly or disabled.

"hello and how are you today?"
"fuck off, I don't want to buy any of your shit and i told you the same thing yesterday"
"oh, that's nice...well I am wondering if perhaps you may be interested in purchasing a..."

*hangs up phone*

"who was that on the phone?"
"just one of them cold calling cunts"
"man, i hate those guys"
"nah, this one was a bitch"
"man, i hate those bitches"

*phone rings at the same time the next day with the same or some other cunt on the end of the line*

by Jim Burkey December 13, 2005

24๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

cold cunt

the female version of blueballs

"girl, that dude totally gave me a cold cunt last night"

by Zandigas November 19, 2017

cold calling cunt

the annoying cunt/s that has been ringing my gaff on a daily basis for the last two months trying to sell me shit that i don't need.

should really target the elderly or disabled.

"hello and how are you today?"
"fuck off, I don't want to buy any of your shit and i told you the same thing yesterday"
"oh, that's nice...well I am wondering if perhaps you may be interested in purchasing a..."

*hangs up phone*

"who was that on the phone?"
"just one of them cold calling cunts"
"man, i hate those guys"
"nah, this one was a bitch"
"man, i hate those bitches"

*phone rings at the same time the next day with the same or some other cunt on the end of the line*

by Jim Burkey December 13, 2005

14๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cold Cunted

The female version of being "Cock Blocked".

Man! Did you see that? That grenade just Cold Cunted the shit out of me.

by GauchoMac March 3, 2010

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cold cunt shunt

a cold cunt shunt is the insertion of a hard penis in a tight very cold dry vagina

liam: i cold cunt shunted jenny hard last night she was so dry i got friction burns
ben: daym

by ben loughrey October 17, 2006

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Cold cunt of a place

Extremely cold place

That Goulburn, its a cold cunt of a place, wouldn't catch me there for quids mate.

by Skribbles13 February 19, 2018