Conspirisphere (n.): Origin: Modern English, coined in the early 21st century.
Derived from the Latin word "conspirare," meaning "to agree, unite, or plot." In modern English, it refers to a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
Sphere: From the Greek word "sphaira," which means "ball or globe." In English, it has come to signify a particular social world or domain of activity or interest.
Etymological Explanation:
The term "conspirisphere" merges the idea of a "conspiracy" with that of a "sphere" or domain, illustrating a conceptual space or bubble where conspiracy-centric views dominate and often isolate believers from broader or contrasting perspectives.
A cognitive domain or bubble wherein individuals are so deeply entrenched in conspiracy beliefs that their decision-making processes and perceptions become isolated from external realities. This state, reminiscent of "bubble logic," restricts their ability to critically evaluate or consider information outside of their established conspiracy narratives. Like those trapped by overpowering desires or addictions, individuals within the conspirisphere are often blinded by their convictions, overlooking evidence or perspectives that might challenge their views.
Despite the overwhelming evidence presented in the latest scientific report, Jenna remained firmly within the conspirisphere, dismissing any data that didn't align with her established beliefs.