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Expensive and flashy. The best money can buy.

Damn nigga, that car was contreras.

by Bigjc33 October 23, 2008

181πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


The act of stating one thing but yet meaning something entirely different, similar to 'opposite day'.

So when you said you didn't want to help, what you meant was you did? Typical contreras move.

by stainless hawkeye May 30, 2010

47πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž


Someone always taking the opposing side, usually always wrong too.

Ugh, Isabella? She is SUCH a Contrera!

by Dr. Kanye West January 21, 2017

6πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

antonio contreras

Boarder hopper and master pimp

Damn antonio contreras is

a pimp

by Boi andrew December 21, 2017

Quite Contreras

Blues/Funk/Metal/Caribbean/Reggae/Jazz/Rock/Fusion band from Wootton H.S home of the mighty Patriots!

Fred: Oh man that QC show was so tight I was trippin on so much E that night.
Zach: Hell yeah dude I think we made out.
Fred: I am going to kill you in your sleep.
Zach: No way man I like Radiohead.

by Prosecution QC August 20, 2003

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

diego contreras

The most sexy and humble guy that I know. Also I would smash him

Girl 1:Damn I would smash him Girl 2:I already have with Diego Contreras

by Your boi username June 6, 2017

Jacob Contreras

Jacob Contreras is an awesome boy with an awesome personality. The girl who has him is a lucky girl. But you better treat Jacob Contreras with respect because if you don’t he will beat you up.

If you ever find a Jacob Contreras he will love and take care of you.

by Djlol May 17, 2018

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž