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Convenience store

Any small store that sells junk food, tobacco, beer, soda, coffee, and energy drinks. May or may not be connected to a gas station. In many cases, the guy behind the counter is straight from the middle east and barely speaks any English.

I just went to the convenience store to buy some chew and soda, and I could barely understand the towelhead running the place.

by BIGRob19 January 4, 2017

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convenience store friend

A friend that pops in and out of your life when they need something but never stays around long to develop a real friendship.

You: You still talk with Bridget? Me: Whenever she feels like calling me up outta no where. She' a convenience store friend, but I'm usually not up for playing 7-11.

by punk8punk November 13, 2014

gosal convenience store

A small corner shop where the wallpaper is peeling off the walls and it probably stinks of alcohol, takeaway or curry

I went to the gosal convenience store where the wallpaper is peeling off the walls and it probably stinks of alchohol, takeaway or curry.

by Tomthetatman November 14, 2020

Convenience Store Addiction Syndrome

A mental disorder causing one to go to convenience stores for non-necessity products. (usually enhanced by munchies)

Yo Nick has the worst CSAS (Convenience Store Addiction Syndrome), last night when we were cruising he went to 7-11 three times.

by The Z The M December 25, 2010

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National convenience store day

a day of appreciation for all convenience stores and employees of said stores.

"hey, what day is it?" "it's 7/11" "Oh! well happy national convenience store day

by TGRaven July 11, 2021

Convenience Store Special

The act of kiestering a hot dog until it has been sufficiently warmed and then shat into a bun.

Tom, did you get the convenience store special?

Yeah Dave, I did. I don’t recommend the chili though.

by RedRedRed Red November 8, 2023

Be my personal convenience store

British slang for asking a person to be their prostitute.

Have you ever seen Mira? I asked her to be my personal convenience store and she actually accepted!

by gigachad42069 April 2, 2021