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(Noun). Cornroll refers to the fat rolls heavier people sometimes have on the back of their necks, which resembles corn on the cob.

"That's her type Elena. Fat belly, man titties, and a cornroll on the back of his neck. That's how she likes 'em". - Jose

by The Penis Parker January 1, 2020

67πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


What some people say when they really mean "cornrow", completely missing the point that cornrow braids are similar in appearance to rows of corn.

"Hey, I want to cornroll my hair".
"Hmm, I don't know what that is, but if you'd like I can CORNROW it for you".

by SmΓΆrf April 7, 2010

53πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


What some people say when they really mean "cornrows", completely missing the point that cornrow braids are similar in appearance to rows of corn.

"Hey, I want to you to make my hair into cornrolls".

"Hmm, I don't know what those are, but if you'd like I can braid them into CORNROWS".

by SmΓΆrf April 7, 2010

15πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Someone who says corny/stupid stuff.

Nerd 1 - I spent 8 hours straight on WOW last night...no toilet breaks or nuthin hahahaha

Nerd 2 - You are amazing! *snorts* hahaha

Nigga walking by - Damn, you crackers is fuckin cornrolls fo'real

by Munny August 21, 2007

22πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Silent Cornroll

When a person has a serious rhetorical question or makes a redundant statement and the other person(s) continue on as if the question or statement wasn't made.

Obese woman: "Does this moo-moo make me look fat?"
Person 1: (Walks away)-Silent Cornroll

Gap employee: Does this mall have a Gap?
Person 1: (looks away)-Silent Cornroll

by Tweeda June 7, 2011

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


a shit/poo. usually one that has to be forced out of your sphincter because of its girth and dryness, usually leaving you sweating on the shitter.

"for gods sake this cornroller will not come out!"
"this cornroller is tearing my insides apart"
"omg just had the thickest cornroller"
"this cornroller is pure agony"

by reggybabes May 10, 2010