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Cosby Show

Something that is taped in front of a live studio audience.

The Cosby Show is amazing.

by Jaremaing October 11, 2009

40👍 21👎

turn on the Cosby Show

The act of turning off the television.

Wife: I'm going to bed, could you turn on the Cosby Show?
Husband: Sure, honey.
Turns off the television

by jibe February 2, 2007

19👍 21👎

cosby show and chill

To drug and rape a woman while watching the cosby show.

Hey baby, wanna Cosby Show and Chill?

by Whydoesmybutthurt January 10, 2016

do a Cosby Show

the act of shitting.

"Hold on," Jimmy said, "I hafta go do a Cosby Show!"

by MudVaYne42282 December 20, 2003

12👍 41👎

Cosby show crack whore

The show title is a variable. Howdy doody show crack whore. That 70s show crack whore.

The phrase describes a type of addict.

They're an addict and they'll do anything for crack but you like them and they're only going to be around for one episode. They're not family or regular character in your life.

I can give you a ride to rehab but I'm not signing anything. You're a Cosby show crack whore.

by Lola Mae 2022 December 12, 2022