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Covid-19 Denier

A Covid-19 denier/ Covid-19 dimwit is someone that illogically does/did one or more of the following:

1. Didn’t change their lifestyle in any way after learning about Covid, and still leaves the house at least once a day for non work related activities (including parties, vacations, social gatherings in public, etc.)
2. Believes Covid-19 is a hoax and therefore does nothing to stop the spread, likely killing people along the way.
3. Believes that putting a piece of cloth over their face is the government “trying to control” their breathing (whatever that means).

In summary:

These are people who don’t value any human life besides their own.

Some characteristics that can help you spot a Covid denier/ Covid dimwit are as follows:

Stands directly next to people in public, wears no mask, probably killed your grandma or immunocompromised sibling, is spotted in large groups of people- all without masks, make people who are actually quarantining want to shit down their throat. Basically they do everything that the people who are staying home and actually trying to stop the virus wish they could do. All while very likely killing multiple people and somehow not giving a single shit.

Advice for Covid deniers- Don’t want to wear a mask? That’s fine as long as you STAY THE FUCK INSIDE!

Using Covid-19 Denier or Covid-19 Dimwit in a sentence:

Person with a conscience: “Hey where did you go last night?”
Covid-19 dimwit: “Aw dude I went to this sick ass party everyone was smoking and drinking together. It was lit!“
Person with a conscience: “Wow I didn’t know you were a covid dimwit stay away from me I don’t want to get my family sick you fucking maniac.”
Covid-19 dimwit: “I wasn’t even there for that long bro 🤪”

“Bro if I hear one more Covid-19 denier say they’re not wearing a mask because it “infringes in their rights” imma have to go off on them. “

by Jamie1275 July 21, 2020

17👍 21👎