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crack house

An establishment of some kind where people make, deal and smoke crack cocaine. This could be a house, an apartment, or a shack to name a few, similar to a coke house.

โ€œYou can always find a dealer at the crack house.โ€

"All the crack heads go to that crack house to smoke."

"The police raided a huge crack house and confiscated over 1000 rocks!"

by IceWarm October 31, 2004

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crack house

A house or apartment where crack cocaine users smoke crack, socialize, and pool resources to get deals on crack. Involves a fairly stable cast of characters with new people usually being introduced by somebody known to the house. Should be nearby to a trap house or crack spot, which are places where crack is sold for profit. Crack houses provide an easy introduction for the crack scene newcomer who may not know where the crack spots are, or who is unknown to dealers, as people at the crack house will facilitate obtaining crack as necessary.

Use of the crack house generally involves paying a house fee (crack or cash) to the person or couple whose house it is. Crack houses are preferred by people who can't smoke at home or who like to smoke in a social setting. Females in the crack house may approach men to offer sexual services in exchange for shared crack, and such arrangements are viewed as normal in most crack houses, with sex sometimes occurring in side rooms and other times in public areas of the house.

Damn Stacey got the best crack house. She don't let no dudes be beggin' and they is like six fresh chickenheads up there.

by decl July 16, 2014

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crack house

An apartment where crack smokers gather to... Well, smoke crack.

Lets go down to the crack house!

by craig May 7, 2004

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Crack house

A house were drugs are used by junkies. The best place for a drug dealer to be because thats were his money is also known as the "house of pain"

"Fuck a trap house dats too hot we need to either post up in da back cuts or visit the Crack house"

by The cook up maN May 25, 2009

24๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Crack House Movie

A movie that babysits the children while the parents do hard drugs in another room. Usually a straight to TV movie or some other $5.00 bin Walmart bullshit played on a cheap DVD player.

Little Billy was watching the Crack House Movie classic "Zookeeper" starring Kevin James on high volume while his mother smoked meth with her "friends" upstairs.

by Dr. Amosite April 10, 2021

Crack House Friend

An intimately close kind of friend, not that you would smoke crack with, but that you could call and say "I'm in a crack house, and I'm scared for my life.", who would then do everything in their power to get you help or help you themselves.

Person 1: Hey, who's your best friend?

Person 2: I don't have best friends, I have Crack House Friends.

Person 1: Dag, yo.

by PsychoactiveEyes June 10, 2023

Crack house law

law that allows the county to punish landlords, owners and tenants of properties where drug use, gambling and/or prostitution has been allowed to take place

Under the crack house law if a promoter were to throw an illegal party where there was no drug control or restrictions, that person may be prosecuted

by Ac.Ri November 9, 2008

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