Cracka is a slang term used by white people, typically in the south(Florida, Alabama, etc). Something most northerners don't know
' Cracka' can also be used by black people tryna insult whites. Usually tho, if an insult is said like "Cracker."
But, "Cracka"(Florida area) can also be the police, cops, judges, etc.
Term 1(Friendly)
"What up, cracka? How you been man?"
Term 2(Racist): "You stupid fuckin' cracker. Get the fuck outta my face."
Term 3(Police): "Man, them fuckin' crackas locked lil man up, dude."
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A Word Guys From The Streets Or The Hood Use To Identify Police Or Cops.
*Smoking a Blunt*
Guy1: Oh Sh*t Crackas Watch Out!
Guy2: Where!
Guy1: Coming This Way Dawg Throw That Shit Out!
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anyone working for the government. Such as lawyers and police also a term for white people.
Crackas be givin niggas 100 years
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Stating a police officer is by mostly used by the inner city youths
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ooo shit!! da crackas comin to shut yall down
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A synonym for "great" or "phenomenal" used predominantly in Australia and New Zealand.
Oi mate, I had a cracka root the other arvo!
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