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Cracked balls

This word is used to describe someones balls that have been beaten by either being stepped on, slapped, punch, bit, flicked, kicked or even set on fire which would end in the result of (Cracked balls).

Cracked balls- AHHHHHHHHHHH please stop your cracking my balls.

by Rbomb04 July 25, 2014

12👍 1👎

Crack Ball

Sling n' yay on the streets and looking at it as a sport or hobby you like to do. Like playing football or basketball but your sport of selling cocaine is called Crack Ball.

Armando: Man you know that fool only likes to play crack ball now.
Joker: word?

Play n' crack ball seemes to be my favorite sport.

by I live in the November 25, 2007

10👍 6👎

crack ball stank

A phrase that encompasses how someone feels. It can be bad, good, or mad.

"A cop pulled me over today." "Crack ball stank!" -bad

"I just found $20!" "CRACK BALL STANK!" -good

"This mofo cut me off!!" "Crack ball stank!!" >=| -mad

by DaddyTrip November 11, 2010

4👍 1👎

crack your balls

A combination of cracking someone up (making them laugh) and busting their balls.
Meant specifically for cracking guys' balls.

Angelina: My breath smells of cock.
Brad: (laughs)

Angelina: Did I just crack your balls?

by mega.machine January 31, 2011

15👍 4👎

ball crack

The area in between the scrotum and the start of the butt crack. Also known as the "gooch".

Why does my ball crack always smell like a wet dog?

by danatoth November 3, 2006

15👍 5👎

ball crack

A shallow lateral indentation on male genitalia.

Sometimes I get lint stuck in my ball crack.

by Jza January 3, 2005

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Ball crack

The crack in between your balls. It is general knowledge that the bigger the ball crack the less attractive the man.

Man: Did you see Ryan's ball crack
Woman: His ball crack isn't even as big as Kade's.

by Siejsnms August 24, 2019