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Crayon Class


1. a college course, generally a general-education class, in which students are assumed to idle about rather than doing difficult, albeit productive, coursework (i.e. “coloring with crayons” as a reference to kindergarten).

2. a kindergarten course with an unusually high concentration of peculiar children, crafts, and the like.

1. all the hot girls are in my crayon class | in between getting dismantled by engineering courses, my crayon class allows me to unwind and take it easy for a change.

2. being in that kindergarten crayon class with the glue-eaters may have scarred me for life | after that crayon class I had in kindergarten, I see toilet paper rolls and hot glue in a whole new light.

by shit, the crayon consumer November 7, 2024

Crayon Class


1. a college-level course, usually an easy general-education course, in which it is assumed that students idle about rather than doing difficult, albeit productive, coursework (i.e. "coloring with crayons" as a reference to kindergarten);

2. a kindergarten class in which there is an unusually high concentration of peculiar kids, crafts, and the like.

1. all the hot college girls are in my general-education crayon class | after getting destroyed by my engineering coursework, I can attend my crayon class and take it easy for a change.

2. being in that crayon class with the glue-eaters may have scarred me for life | after that kindergarten crayon class, I saw toilet paper rolls and hot glue in a new light.

by shit, the crayon consumer November 7, 2024