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Crazy Eddy

A hero of epic stories and legends. Over 900 years old he has conquered death and retired to his poon palace on mars. Occasionally seen on Earth when he must complete a quest. He was stationed at Zarganzig's Castle for many years and left in 1643 the day before the Whiiple Creek massacre. The massacre took place on that day because his departure gave the Asexual Trolls the courage to attack. Has killed over 467 men with his bare hands. Genghis Khan's right hand man

"Dude i haven't seen Crazy Eddy lately"

"Probably hitting up his poon palace with some Slam-A-licious babes"

"Trusay Dr. Butt Pirate"

by Gerdemann25 August 2, 2007

16👍 4👎

Crazy Eddie

An alcoholic drink consisting of at least 1 shot of every hard liquor mixed with lemon juice.
*The drink is served with a chaser of lemon juice.
*The drink is intended to be slammed, rather then sipped

The boys each slammed a Crazy Eddie before heading out for the night.

by boarderjunkie April 28, 2006

13👍 3👎

Crazy Eddie

A consumer electronics store chain originally located in the NYC/Tri-state area. Crazy Eddie was best known to sell electronics, appliances, home entertainment, records, tapes, etc. all at the guaranteed lowest sale prices.

Crazy Eddie, his prices are IN-SAAAAAANE!

by commercialman December 10, 2006

7👍 2👎

Crazy Eddie

originally an electronics store in New York, this term is now used to define anything especially insane

"She thought she could fly, crazy eddie!"

by broraper March 31, 2009

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