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Creighton Abrams

This man was a general during Vietnam. He is also named after the M1A2 Abrams Tank (it's kind of obvious bitch). When he came home from the war he was met with a crazy offer. He would trade booty for money and no he was not a proustite. He got a pretty good offer from the Thug Hunters (I think you should look them up), now if you know thug hunters, it's that they prefer black thugs. Mr. Abrams isn't a thug, but what I think they found particularly interesting is his battle hardened penis. He divorced his wife if you could tell after he became a gay pornstar.

Dude, I saw this one porno, with General Creighton Abrams, he was getting buttfucked, and then he started splooging everywhere

by Kanye_supporter5 December 29, 2023