To render numerous computer systems unresponsive by various means, most notably by writing faulty kernel-level code for an operating system that permits third-party ring 0 access.
Dev 1: "Isn't the world too peaceful right now?"
Dev 2: "Don't worry, our next update will crowdstrike global infrastructure if the intern keeps it up."
Dev 1: "Haha- Wait, did we give the intern account rights to push to prod?"
Dev 2: "Oh fuck-!"
Crowdstrike (n.): A situation in which a cloud service provider causes widespread system failures and operational disruptions by pushing faulty updates or software without proper testing.
Our company experienced a crowdstrike last week when a faulty update caused all our systems to crash and required extensive manual fixes.
To Really Fuck Up Beyond Belief.
Hey, I was doing some electrical work last night and I crowdstriked the whole project. I ended up burning my house down and my entire neighborhood.
To crowdsource testing out to your customers
Bob: Hey Joe, did you get the new code tested?
Joe: Nah, we are crowdstriking it in prod.
1. The act of releasing a product (typically software) without adequate testing that then fails spectacularly and results in a significant adverse effect.
2. The practice of relying on end users to do the testing for you by releasing untested product.
Management said it HAD to be out today so we resorted to a bit of crowdstriking. I'm sure it'll be fine. What's the worst that could happen?
1. The act of releasing a product (typically software) without adequate testing that then causes a significant adverse effect.
2. The practice of getting your end users to perform your testing for you by releasing untested product.
Management said it had to be released today so we resorted to some crowdstriking.
A overabundantly appealing person or an item of high value that causes a revolutionary or adverse reaction that is appealing when first noticed at a scene or in public.
That new Bentley truck is a crowdstriker isn’t it? I wish I had one of those!