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A Cuckus is a Person who is at a extreme annoyance to you, Its is often used as an insult.
A Cuckus is a missed worded way to say dick sucker or fucker. It can be used while aggressive playing video games when trying to be family friendly.

You're a Fricking Cukus
This God damn Cuckus Killed me! What the hell!

by _M1TCh_ April 5, 2018

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-hair that is curly and matted, in desperate need of a trim

-with short faded hair, when the bottom starts to get a curl to it, typically at the 1/4" length, making it necessary to break out the #1 clippers.

damn shaggy! you need to go cut that cuckus

by MIKE D August 11, 2004

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uncle cuckus

Uncle cuckus, basically a more extreme, irrational and aggressive version of an uncle cuck. Basically the same as uncle ruckus but the white version.

All white people are racist, I'm so ashamed of being white, you cannot be racist to white people.

No, Cameron is just an uncle cuckus.

by XxP1KEY69xX August 22, 2017

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Red finned cuckus

A species of large fish found in the lakes of Eastern North America, features include an eel like body with four red fins, large spherical chameleon like eyes, thousands of needle like teeth in front of shark like serated teeth, with expandable snake like jaws and an astute red ballsack hanging from its belly. They grow to sizes from 10 to 25 feet look long, feeding on species of turtle and large fish such as pike, bass, gar, catfish, and sturgeon. They have the ability to change color to blend into their environment, it’s a defense mechanism.

Be careful in these here waters, their are here say tales of the red finned cuckus of legend, attacking those who dare disturb his lake.

by Doctor Nobkok Kent May 24, 2019

Uncle Cuckus

A person who works against their own people or knowingly allows themselves to be used as a tool by enemies who are working against people like themselves. Similar concepts include coon, sambo, house n word, house slave, etc. A portmanteau of Uncle Tom, Uncle Ruckus and Cuck. A slave who rats the plan to flee/revolt to massa for some hot biscuits.

"Who wins the Uncle Cuckus Award between Clarence Thomas, Clandace Owens, Larry Elder, Tim Scott, Byron Donald's Cuck, Vivek Ramapickme, Nikki Haley, Ben Shapiro, David Rubin, Caitlyn Jenner or the black gay guy who got kicked out of the maGA gathering & still blew maGA like they're not gonna force him to marry a woman?"
"Poor rural white dummies."
"Now if you'll notice the definition, it says people who Knowingly are tools for their enemies against themselves."
"Then Dave Chappelle."
"AH! Forgot about him. TouchΓ©."

by manytimesasteddyrileysaidyepye February 14, 2025


Somebody who is 15 or older and still isnt allowed to live like an real teenager and doest speak up to their parents.

Brandon is such a cuckus because he cant use his xbox past 7:30 PM.

by Dontworryboutit2002 February 17, 2018