An action, to cuddle snuggle. A mix between a cuddle and a snuggle. Something that your girlfriend might yell out as soon as she sees you, then she proceeds to jump on you and attack you with love.
Cuddle-snuggle - My girlfriend latched onto me and demanded that we cuddle snuggle until we wake up.
To cuddle
To snuggle
The month of Snuggling and Cuddling is November! Feel free to give snuggles and cuddles to anyone within that month! They will always cuddle back!
Person-1 - *Cuddles Person-2*
Person-2 - "Is it because it is National Cuddling Month?"
Person-1 - "No it's just because I wanted to."
Person-2 - "owo"
Person-1 - "You don't need National Cuddling & Snuggling Month to cuddle, you can do it anytime!"