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Do you secretly hate any of your co-workers?

Hym "Ha! Curmudgeony... Or, wait, is it the Jew? It's the Jew isn't it. See!? I told you. I'd end up calling him a kike and wiping my ass with his Jew-hat (Say, if a Jew wears a baseball cap does he have to wear the yarmulke underneath it or, how does that work? Gives the phrase 'hat on a hat' an entirely different meaning... Can't you just flick some holy water on a baseball cap and have it count as a yarmulke? I mean, if yes, then I'm buying a wizard hat and converting to Judaism. Just to see the motherfuckers at my job try to get me to take it off. Nope. Sorry. This is my Jewish Yarmulke-equivalent hat... Carry a wand in my pocket...Expecto-Patr-Oi Vey!) It wouldn't be pretty but it WOULD be hilarious."

by Hym Iam April 24, 2023