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custard chucker

A male penis, speficially describing the penis during ejaculation.

Beat my custard chucker like it owes you money and open wide, beeyotch!

by The Drizzle January 25, 2005

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custard chucker

When a Man Jacks-Off in his hand and throws it itb someone's face. Mostly a Game played by College studants.

"Oww, my eye... You fucking custard chucker!"

by Immortal-Jake May 10, 2006

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custard chucker

A mans love lance or spam javelin, used for urine and semen despatch.

My wank was of epic proportions, my old boy was like a wee custard chucker

by sam April 5, 2004

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Purple Headed Custard Chucker

An erect penis during the process of ejaculation. The penis being at its most pressurised phase, is usually seen as a dark red or purple colour.

Howard aimed his purple headed custard chucker at catmur's face

by Dr Dock November 30, 2003

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blue veined custard chucker

A.K.A: Penis, Knob, Pink pogo stick etc. This term is usually used to describe a large shlong that chucks custard or semen(cum).

She saw his eyes penetrating her dress, though wishing that it was his blue veined custard chucker

by bigboy69 April 13, 2004

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blue veined custard chucker

Extremely vulgar term for one's penis.

"How she wished that she was penetrated by his blue veined custard chucker."

by KHD July 17, 2003

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blue vein custard chucker

Refers to your cock. Your cock has a massive blue vein in it and it chucks man custard when at the climax of arrousal.

Come and suck on my blue vein custard chucker you filthy cunt.

by Bigsypowell January 2, 2016