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Cx effect

Streamer (local/meta) meme/slang from the notorious streamer Paul Denino ("Ice Poseidon"/"goblin") and his viewers.
Whoever he comes into contact with ends up mentally, financially, legally, morally, etc worse, than before.

Typical (but not exhaustive) use:
- By getting manipulated/exploited by him with shit tests and semi-fake promises into making money for him - by appearing on his stream, usually doing something humiliating/obnoxious. If paid well seeing how much money they can make, they're often taken over by their own greed, trying to continue streaming on their own, which, in part due to the negative introduction into streaming, is usually in the same humiliating fashion; abandoning other income or stream type options, they often end up failing more not only in streaming, but in general as well.
- The more abusive portion of his viewer base (the "Purple army") virtually raiding, fake-calling irl places, etc virtual mischievery, especially during his streams, for the lulz.

It's also often used as a joke about any issues people have after he'd talked to them regardless.

After meeting Ice he's quit his job and decided to become a full time streamer.
Goblin at it again spreading the Cx effect.

by veinsofgold January 22, 2023

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