When something is way to overhyped and falls short on delivery.
The Terminator: Dark Fate suffers from cyberpunk syndrome. It was way to overhyped man.
This syndrome appliers to new video games, and occurs when a new video game is announced that gets everyone excited, and hype begins to explode through the roof. The fans get beautiful looking trailers and release dates. Then, the game gets held back quite a bit until the devs finally decide to just release it. This leaves us with a half baked game, where the central core aspects of the game are quite amazing, but the game is a bug infested hell. This splits the fanbase into two groups, one which still praises the game like a godsend from heaven despite the games terrible optimization and bugs, and one which meticulously attacks anything bad about the game, despite the game functioning well enough to play for some people. This syndrome also starts messy debates as to why the game was released in it's current state, which is usually because the devs want to push it out as fast as possible in a "playable" state.
Five Night's At Freddy's: Security Breach suffers from a mild case of Cyberpunk 2077 Syndrome.
Since the failure/flop of Cyberpunk, people have adapted an overly forgiving mindset towards the general game market.
'Overwatch 2 is coming out really late, and Overwatch 1 has gotten no ounce of content for 2.5 years?
that's fine honestly, we wouldn't want it to have bugs, right?'
It's been delayed for 2 years? That's ok, we wouldn't want it to have bugs! Better be patient!! Cyberpunk Syndrome
When a game is rushed to completion after months of hype and suffers from being unpolished.
Black Ops 4, Sonic ‘06, and many more suffer from the dreaded Cyberpunk Syndrome.