An individual act, incidental or deliberate, of dropping off the social planet for a day. Typically resulting from the pressures of real time communication as being a first world expectation that will continue to escalate as the highly abrasive new normal. DAWOL is often executed as a rebellious expression to defend human rights as machines take over.
awol yolo
Brendar: Text Iman he's not responding to me.
Varlonica: Probably went dAWOL, overbooked his cock holster and ignoring everyone.
Doge: So scare. Yay! how try.
Barlanda: lol so true, Doge.
Doge: many cool.
Sorsannadad: We forgot our whore appointments!
Varlonica: Let's keep texting him while we go from here to there!
Darbender: good idea like in between places?
Doge: omg bye.
cock holster stage five clinger
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