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Swedish Writer

Diym was bombin and terrorizin the jam like troops in Pakistan

by Mads Ecks June 13, 2010

120👍 32👎


Abbreviation for "dick in your mouth". Sometimes used as a quick way of smiting your enemies. Has other incarnations such as dimm - dick in my mouth, diya - dick in your ass, etc etc.

Came into use in an IRC chat room and quickly took off from there.

<Person S> Hi there!
<Person A> Hi!
<Person S> DIYM!
<Person A> :|

by Eggulocity August 31, 2004

66👍 94👎


This abbreveation for "Dick in your mouth", is also used as a word to replace damn in sentences to people you have no respect for, but maintaining it's "dick in ya mouth" meaning.

Contrary to the chat room deffinition, this term was developed by a friend and myself over fifteen years ago, as a way to fuck with a guy at work who we had named "Dicknyamouf". Example. "Hey dicknyamouf, bring me a soda!"

"Diym nigga you gonna smoke the whole shit or what?"

by Dj Puck October 13, 2004

10👍 107👎


D- dick

I- in

M- mouth

Brittney Spears,"5+5= 11."
Micheal Jordan," You fucking dummy, are you dumb it is 10."
Britteny Spears," Oh shit it is."
Micheal Jordan,"DIYM."

by LAjay14 July 5, 2011

3👍 72👎

dick in your mouth! [DIYM]

shoving your index finger into an unsuspecting open mouth

some dumptruck at a bar won't quit yapping her hussy face off; rather than insulting her and her friends or trying to continue to just get laid, wait for an obnoxious laugh and pop your entire finger into her mouth while saying "dick in your mouth! DIYM". conversation satisfyingly over, and at least you get a good laugh out of it.

by lazerjhole July 25, 2010

14👍 26👎


Dick in Yo mouth

Yeah that's because you love DIYM

by Pajamasalfredo March 3, 2019