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dog collar

Term for the neckband type of clergy collar, especially commonly worn by Episcopal priests.

"Who's the dude wearing the dog collar?"
"Oh, that's Father Smith from the Episcopal Church."

by oneoldgeezer2.0 December 13, 2013

dog collar

When a person puts sun screen on their neck but forgets about around the neck of the shirt; this causes a bright red sun burn (about 1 centimeter thick)that is in a giant circle around their neck. It looks like the person is wearing a bright red dog collar.

Hey Jim! Look over there at that guy's dog collar!

by Carter Ray Hansen July 10, 2007

4👍 12👎


Blatantly lying to others in front of the accused, about an action you know you committed, but have placed the blame on another.

I used a spool of cable wire as a leash for my friend's dog and ever since have blatantly denied it and blamed the dog's owner. He's tried to explain the truth ever since, in vain. Dog-collaring him has become a regular occurrence when we are together.

by Rwey February 13, 2009

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Dog Collar

This is to be used on a person who is very corporate and anal about their professional appearance.

Find some dogshit and flatten it out between two pieces of wax paper until it is very,very thin. Use a razor to cut out pieces that are the exact size and shape of a collar-stay (plastic things that goin dress shirts to keep each side of the collar straight).When finished, place in the freezer overnight.

Wake up when your target does and when he goes into the bathroom to shave, you run into his room and replace the plastic collar-stays with ones you made out of dogshit. If you are unsure of which shirt he is wearing, have some extras made to insert in all possible choices.
They'll thaw out while he's at work or in class and he'll smell like shit.

Steve: "I wonder how John did in his interview today..."

Mike: "My guess? Not too well, considering he reeked of dogshit."

Steve: "Dog Collar?"

Mike: "Bullseye."

Steve: "Nice".

by Mikey T...... January 9, 2010

4👍 13👎

Dog Collar Bitch

Alt girl that wears necklaces that look like dog collars. They always have daddy issues, wear too much makeup, have horrendous "alt" hair cuts and dyes, and smell like cigarettes.

cade: yo U seen that dog collar bitch over there?
aaron: yea she used to be sexy as fuck
jacob: nasty ass dog collar smells like my grandmas house
ki: I love dog collar bitches!
aaron: stfu ki
jacob: ur black
cade: ong
jacob: fr

by coolcade11 July 5, 2021

Needle Dog Collar

The poky sensation you get in your shirt (particularly in your collar) after getting a haircut.

Guy 1: Shit this sucks, I just got a haircut and now I have a needle dog collar. It itches!
Guy 2: Damn dude that sucks, better change your shirt, ya dirt!

by SentimentalDad667 March 27, 2014