When people RIDING A BICYCLE , SCOOTER , PUSHING SHOPPING CART and playing MUSIC FROM a car do this.
Worse than WISE ASSERY language.
Easiest way to ELDER ABUSE FRAME
They pass by your near vicinity and trust me when you look for something you have on your CELL being ANDROID it disappears what you wrote but what the true DRIVE BY HACK does it has a tendency always to SKEW YOUR DATA to make you look INSANE OR CRIMINAL OR BOTH but take it from ANAL ALAN and GAYE says NY name is ALAN I WALDMAN as there is not much you can do about I SCUM.
Now guess what MIKE what PETER we can now TWIST WHAT THEY SAY using our DRIVE BY HACK to get them in DEEP SHITS or get them in DEEP MADNESS TORTURE GAME as this is "YOUR FUCKING NIGHTMARE"!!!!
Both above are your most effective DRIVE BY HACK as it is in concert " what you gonna do, " DRIVE" ........."whose gonna..."