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DaMitchy Balls

1) The prefix “Da” is to indicate it is a play-on of DaBaby. DaMitchy Balls (noun) is a word to describe a ballsy and strong woman or man, with names Misha or Mitch (or to those effects). Someone who is nicknamed DaMitchy Balls is someone, who in the eyes of another, deserves the greatest of respect.

2) Someone with a name starting with M who has itchy balls: DaMitchy Balls is used to title Cool dudes/ dudettes who is one with “the boys”. They often look like dababy.

This word is highly popular in the West-Midlands, UK, where the word first originated.

Beatrice: Who is that good looking woman?
Nubbs:Thats DaMitchy Balls! Well... her name is Misha, but looks like dababy and has nice balls.
Beatrice: I want to be DaMitchy Balls!!
Nubbs: well your name isn’t Misha is it, ugh...

by NiqU3@MKHBae_init! March 16, 2021