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Dan vs.

An awesome (cancelled) cartoon on the Hub about an angry little man named Dan who is constantly plotting revenge against the world with the help of his best friend Chris.


Chris: Okay, but I'm not killing anyone.

Dan: WHAT!?

Chris: I'm not killing someone for the librarian, that's a deal-breaker.

Dan: You've run over dozens of cyclists!

Chris: Yeah, but they've all lived!

guy 1: did you catch Dan vs. the other day?
guy 2: yeah, Dan needs to take a chill pill.

by howdoIinternet December 6, 2013

38👍 1👎

Dan Vs

A great television show that was on The Hub (now known as discovery family) but it was cancelled on March 9th 2013.

The show is great because it's very funny and has a lot of jokes, also it's really relatable. You can watch it for free on YouTube and Tubi now.

Person 1: Yo have you heard of Dan Vs?

Person 2: Yeah! I have, my favorite character is Chris, what about you?

Person 1: My favorite character is Dan!

by okfinenoob November 12, 2023